The Italian cuisine is known and appreciated throughout the world: each dish contains within itself the history, culture and tradition of our country and its regions. The Sicilian cuisine offers a rich variety of recipes and typical products. At the main Mediterranean ingredients such as olive oil, pasta and fish, combine the flavors and aromas that come from the history of this land: the olives of Ancient Greece, the grain of the ancient Romans, the scents of citrus fruits of the Arab tradition, the freshness of tomatoes and aubergines imported by the Conquistadors to return from America. Through the centuries, the Sicilian cuisine has managed to maintain its unique identity, adapting customs and foreign products to the taste of Sicilian, simplifying recipes in favor of more natural tastes and impoverishing "noble" dishes to make them accessible to all popolo.Come the domination of peoples of other countries have enriched the cuisine of Sicily, now I want to bring the Sicily near the eyes and palates of people from other countries, make discover the most beautiful corners with wonder and taste, with rich culture, travel and food flavor I genuino.Credo strongly believe in the beauty of my land owns and universality of its language. It's up to you to find out how it speaks to you.